


Gelatin here does not refer to the sugar-laden, artificially coloured jelly - instead, its about the super-healthy wellness jelly that is making a comeback in a variety of forms, According to lifestyle media Pop Sugar. From bone (1)broth-based dessert jellies, healthy (2)gut-healing gummies to gelatin-infused smoothies and juices….. Other than gut-healing, its also used in health food and drinks for its skin-boosting, nail-strengthening properties.明膠在這裡指的不是含有大量糖分和人工色素的果凍,相反地,它是「超級健康的果凍,以各種形式回歸食物舞台。」生活媒體Pop Sugar報導,「包括肉骨湯凍,恢復腸道健康的軟糖,注入明膠的果昔和果汁。」在健康食品和飲料中加入明膠,除了改善腸道,也可增強皮膚和指甲的健康。2.汽車貸款利率試算Chaga mushrooms 白樺茸The Telegraph reports that Bitter and (3)pungent chaga is said to be the king of medicinal mushrooms, boosting the immune system with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The tea is insanely expensive--up to £23.99 in organic shops for 20 teaba前置協商分享gs. Concentrated powder can be a more affordable option.英國每日電訊報報導,又苦又刺鼻的白樺茸據說是藥用蘑菇之王,能促進免疫系統抗菌、抗氧化。白樺茸茶貴得離譜,有機商店內,20個茶包要價23.99英鎊(約台幣934元)。濃縮粉末可能是較實惠的選擇。3.Activated Charcoal 活性炭Activated charcoal has been used for thousands of years to remove (4)parasites and bacteria from the body, and 2017 will see it become the new superfood to add to juices and even skincare.Says Pop Sugar,Acting like a trap activated charcoal helps to rid toxins and chemicals within the body, by catching and eliminating them from the system.But beware, The black substance is so good at trapping chemicals that consuming too much of it can also remove the nutrient contents of foods.Its also not ideal for anyone with (5)malabsorption gut issues… An activated charcoal tip: Its best to be taken 30 minutes before consuming any food so it only targets those unwanted toxins.幾千年來,活性炭被用來清除人體的寄生蟲和細菌,今年搖身一變成為超級食物,果汁,甚至保養品中都可能見到它的身影。活性炭在人體內有如「陷阱」,捕捉、消除系統中的毒素和化學物質。注意,活性炭太擅於捕獲化學物質,若是攝取過多,有可能連食物的營養也被消除。活性炭也不適合有腸道吸收問題者。小訣竅:用餐前30分鐘服用,讓活性炭只針對體內多餘的毒素。4.Watermelon seeds 西瓜籽A one-ounce serving of watermelon seeds boasts ten grams of protein and is a great source of vitamin B, magnesium, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Brands are drying them and flavouring them naturally: mild chili, roasted or lightly salted, Says The Telegraph.一盎司西瓜種子擁有十克蛋白質,是維生素B、鎂,和單元、多元不飽和脂肪的一大來源。一些品牌正生產乾燥、自然調味的西瓜籽,包括微辣,烘烤或輕度鹽漬口味。5.Avacado Oil 酪梨油The Organic Authority website indicates that Cooking any oil at a high temperature puts it at risk of an altered chemical structure, essentially making it devoid of its nutritional properties and deeming it a salve of toxicity. Avocado oil can retain its chemical structure and nutritional benefits better than any other oil, making it the best superfood fat to pair with your cooked foods.Make sure to purchase a cold-pressed virgin avocado oil so that you get the most from its high oleic acid, vitamin E, and chlorophyll content.「有機權威」網站指出,高溫下烹煮任何油都有改變其化學結構的風險,讓油失去營養價值性,被視為毒藥。和其他油類相比,酪梨油最能夠保持化學結構和營養,是炒菜時的最佳油脂搭配。購買冷壓初搾的酪梨油,能獲取最高含量的油酸、維他命E和葉綠素。資料來源:The Telegraph, Pop Sugar,


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